Friday, 26 April 2013

busy week.

Well since I've handed my professional file in for marking I've got more time for my final project of the year and some free time to experiment on personal work.

I've began my final piece already, hopefully with a lot of hours and care I will get it done and be satisfied for the hand-in on 16th May!

I've began making my head in ceramics using a different technique which is using a bag of buttons and masking tape to get the shape I want and with slabs and soft porcelain clay molding the features. I've been using anatomy books from the library to create a realistic representation of a face sleeping.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Half Term part 2

Well On the side on doing work for my 'HAND TO HEART' project I've been trying to be neat and delicate with my work for better results, although it takes much longer the results are much better and hopefully when I get back to using the studios tomorrow I can have a go on the sewing machine(:

I used some transfer paper to copy my automatic drawings onto fabric, I used beads and thread to decorate and fill in caps and this is what I have so far(:

Me and my friend Catherine ( )had an idea to make a facinator for my final piece. I'm excited to show my designs to my tutors and see what they think. I'm not 100% sure what my final piece will look like or how I'll make it so I'm going to have a busy 4 weeks ahead!

I've also being working on some designs for my facinator using Photoshop. I thought this would be a better way to get a design than using a collage method and the internet is full of beautiful imagery as well as some of my own photography I've taken in the past.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Half Term part 1!

So I haven't made a post in a while but I've been up to lots in our Easter half term.

I dyed my old denim jacket using Dylon products. For my jacket I used powder pink and Intense violet. I used bottles to directly squirt the dye into the places I wanted it then massaged it in with my hand, I wore gloves! Next I left it for a bit and then placed it into a black bag and left it in there for a few hours before washing it out with water.

 After letting it dry I then touched it up again with purple to show more depth

 Plus my niece, Lilly Rose was born 6/04/13
Very Exciting!
I'll take some photo's later of what I've been getting up to in my project, either today or tomorrow(: