Monday, 23 September 2013

Kick up the backside..

..we all really need one! 

Today in Professional studies we were taken through our new brief which looks really exciting and scary at the same time!
We're joining a site called Young Enterprise

We have to raise £100 in our groups, which we have to convince our tutor the group is beneficial.
Next we will work in our groups each week until February and then we're selling our products in the Metrocentre in Newcastle.

Well I can't wait to dive into this year head first.
I've been slowly building my kit while I have money to invest. I want to use the studios for tasks I can't do at home, this will help me manage my time better since there never seems to be enough of it!

There will be an increase in activity on my blog this year, feeling encouraged!

Hope everyone is keeping well <3

Friday, 20 September 2013

Fresh start

Well Friday was my first day back at uni and my first day in Year 5. I also received my Brief which I'm very excited about! I will keep posted on here, hopefully my new plan to get my work done and not procrastinate this year will work. I think this long break has built up my curiosity to get back into the swing of things. I can't wait to start playing in the studios.

Keep on scrolling to see more!(:

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Sketchbook post part ll

Here are some more pieces from my sketchbook, Most of these pieces are mixed media so again,
feel free to drop a comment if you have any questions!

Sketchbook post

Some of my work from my sketchbook I have done this Summer, I have cropped and edited some images of Photoshop for a cleaner look. Most of my work is mixed media, if anyone has any questions about any of the pieces and were wondering how I did any of them just drop a comment and I'll get back to you.