Monday, 28 October 2013

Project update; point of field.

Hey guys so the last 2 weeks I've been in the Jewellery workshop whipping up some samples and breaking lots of saw blades.
I'm really excited what I've been making and I've been really enjoying my theme and using plastics.

I've also being making some ceramic decal tiles and playing around with plaster bats, painting colored slip on them then covering them in normal porcelain slip to create a colorful tile.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Finding Inspiration: Visits part ll

Some more images and places you can go for inspiration:
Mima: Unfortunatley I didn't take any photo's at Mima but one of the rooms was actually under construction at the time anyway.

which was very useful for anyone who needs history research and is just a all around great family museum.
Huge collection of Linthorpe pottery and amazing Christopher Dresser designs

and a random photo of tribal layout I found quite interesting:
I also visited The Winter Gardens in Sunderland:
which  displays somewhere inbetween History, ceramics/glass and of course The Winter Gardens them selves.

Finding Inspiration: Visits part l

Hey guys so I've been collecting lots of inspiration this past week.
I went to The Biscuits Factory on Friday night and took a few photo's below for inspiration.
I only took images of objects that inspired me during my current project but there's some fantastic paintings there and beautiful larger sculptures.

Saturday, 12 October 2013


This week I have been playing with glazes, which can be quite daunting to someone who is quite clueless!
Once you get into measuring and see the turn out of each stains and oxides. I tried experimenting with porcelain tiles, it's quite hard to get the outcome you want with high fired clay but I would like to use porcelain slip in my future final pieces.
I'ts been fun experimenting with glazes but I've just ordered some decals also of some line drawings I have done and paintings so they will be interesting to see out the kiln.
I have continued making tiles and playing.

Here are just a few of my samples I've made.