Tuesday 30 July 2013

Getting Creative with Light

Over the weekend my family had a small barbeque, I took some photo's during the night playing with the light of the fire and the settings on my camera.
everyday selfie

My model Liam

I love the contrast between a moving light implying action and still life objects.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

I haven't posted anything on here in a while, I've been quite busy with work and making a facebook page
I'm going to start making things really soon and posting them on there.
My brother did the graphics for my page which are amazing and I'm very happy with.

Recently I've been knitting, drawing, doing a bit of photography and just enjoying my creative freedom from university getting ready for my second year.

Here's a painting I did of Taylor Swift using pallette knifes and acrylic paint on canvas

Here I embroided a design I drawn from my head and embelished

I've been out enjoying the English weather while we have it, I didn't get to relax until yesterday because I had work at the weekend but I'm planning on taking advantage of my week days(: